Guest Post: A Challenge to Read for Fun

I wrote a guest post (my first!) about how to get back into the habit of reading for fun. You can check it out on John’s blog, Write me a Book, John! You should also spend some time reading his other posts, because they’re always enjoyable!

Writing for Free

Sometimes it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you should get paid for writing. First let me make it clear that I’m not saying you shouldn’t get paid for writing – I’m just saying that, as writers, we shouldn’t start to think that payment is why we write. As a college student, I’ve done… Continue reading Writing for Free

Blast from the Past: A Lesson in Self Esteem

I’ve been thinking a lot about reading lately, so this post is a sort of continuation of Wednesday’s post “Reading as a Writer,” except I think it’s a little more interesting…Enjoy! Most of us hate reading our old writing, but there’s something to be said about studying it and realizing where you’ve grown. Honestly, I enjoy reading… Continue reading Blast from the Past: A Lesson in Self Esteem

The Joys of Rewriting

Writing is hard. If you’ve ever tried to write anything at all, you know this. However, acknowledging that rewriting is an essential part of creating a final product makes every step along the way easier. Personally, I find comfort in knowing that what I write is not final. It means that when writing, you no longer… Continue reading The Joys of Rewriting

Embracing Deadlines

All writers have to deal with deadlines – it’s simply a part of the job. But it’s amazing how much your perspective on writing can change when you embrace these deadlines rather than dreading them. This morning I woke up to an email from the editor of a magazine I’m writing for. She sent it… Continue reading Embracing Deadlines