The Joys of Rewriting

Writing is hard. If you’ve ever tried to write anything at all, you know this.

However, acknowledging that rewriting is an essential part of creating a final product makes every step along the way easier. Personally, I find comfort in knowing that what I write is not final.

It means that when writing, you no longer have to wonder if every word you put down on the page is brilliant, because you know that you’re going to be able to go back and change things. And when rewriting, you have the comfort of knowing that you have your old words to fall back on.

I’ll admit that rewriting (at least when it’s my idea), is one of the most enjoyable parts of writing, aside from the first rush of an idea. I print out what I’ve written and go at it with a colored pen in hand. Even looking at a marked up page is enough to inspire me to keep writing and editing, making my work the best it can be.

The only problem with this is knowing when to stop rewriting, and that’s something you’ll have to figure out on your own, since it varies person to person, story to story. So in the meantime, enjoy the writing process, all aspects of it!


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