Pushing Through the Writer’s Block Wall

Writer’s block is often referred to as a wall – usually a brick one, just in case us writers just thought we could punch through flimsy plaster and be done with it. And often the term that is used is “breaking down” the wall of writer’s block.

But the other day I decided that maybe this isn’t the most helpful way to think about it (at least for me). Often writer’s block isn’t something you just get through. Breaking the wall implies that you’re not really going anywhere until you get through the wall, and once that’s done you’re through with it. My experience with writer’s block tends to feel more like pushing – forcing myself to work through it, gaining a little ground every day, until I get stronger and the wall gets lighter.

The reason this metaphor works for me is that writer’s block isn’t always something you can conquer. That’s why I just keep moving – sometimes I take a break or change strategies – but mostly I just keep pushing through. And maybe at some point the wall will get a little weaker, crumble at some points, and eventually fall down, but while I’m hoping for that outcome, I’m also writing.

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