Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (and some other forms of transportation)

   In the past 24 hours, I’ve traveled by car, plane, train, bus, and foot a distance of approximately 5280 miles. Over the course of the day I slowly made my way from Texas to the UK, despite the obstacles of canceled flights, equipment malfunctions, and late trains.  Of course, after traveling for 24 hours… Continue reading Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (and some other forms of transportation)

Adventures in Journaling

There’s something reassuring in writing down the day’s events. It’s acceptance, in a way, that certain things happened, and however you may feel about them, they aren’t going to change. When you finish an entry in your journal, the day is over. It doesn’t matter if it was a good day or a bad day… Continue reading Adventures in Journaling

The Identity of a Writer

Identity is an important thing. It’s what defines how you act, how people see you – it’s who you are. So it’s important that, as writers, we identify ourselves as such. In fact, I think the first step in being a writer is being fully convinced that you are one.  The great thing is that… Continue reading The Identity of a Writer

The Value of Road Trips

I love a good road trip – I can’t tell you how many hours I spent as a child reading or writing in the backseat while my parents drove us to various vacation spots. To me, road trips are the epitome of an American childhood. Yet I meet so many people who hate driving, who… Continue reading The Value of Road Trips