April Update

So, my computer decided to die a few days ago. Since exams start in two weeks, this is not exactly the best time. Fortunately, I didn’t have too much important stuff on it (except my current WIP and my resume). It’s a really good thing I’m very dedicated to my work, because otherwise I would have pretty much been out of luck. I’ve been applying to summer internships for the past few weeks (mostly in copywriting, but one with an editing company) so I was able to retrieve the most recent copy of my résumé from a few of the emails I’d sent. I was also in the process of editing a not-so-short story, so I had been carrying a fairly recent version of it around with me. I may have to retype it all, but at least it’s not lost forever.
You can probably tell how my month has been, so I’ll stop telling you about all of the boring stuff and talk about the story I’m working on right now. It’s the pirate story I mentioned a few posts ago, and I’d like you’ll to know that it’s finally finished! And by finished I don’t mean completely done, but it is an actual story now. I’m in the process of editing right now, and let me just say that it’s no easy task. Maybe I’ll post about editing specifically later on, because its seriously like rewriting the story (at least for me). Anyway, it’s going pretty well, though I doubt it will be done by the end of the semester. It will probably take most of May, but hopefully I can submit it to the contest before June. However, since that means I haven’t entered a contest at all this month, it means I’m going to have to find one and write a story super quick! We’ll see how that turns out,

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