On Writing Prompts

For Christmas, my roommate bought me a book of writing prompts. I’ve never really been the kind of person to write based on a prompt; usually I just sit around until I have some kind of idea (usually a bad one), and then I write on that for a while before I get stuck. You would… Continue reading On Writing Prompts

The Education of a Writer

School is an interesting thing, isn’t it? We’re expected to study something practical, because in today’s society, college is meant to secure you a job. The humanities majors don’t really fit into that box. People ask, “Do you want to teach?” as if that’s the only thing you can do with a major that isn’t… Continue reading The Education of a Writer

Finishing Your Novel

I’m nearing the end of my current project, and I can feel myself slowing down; as the end draws nearer, my daily word count decreases, and I spend more time reading, researching, and plotting. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, considering the fact that I was unsure of exactly how the story would end until about three… Continue reading Finishing Your Novel

“A woman must h…

“A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.” -Virginia Woolf Now I’m not a big fan of Virginia Woolf, but I love this quote. While the money part is debatable, I think most people will agree that having a room of your own, or someplace where… Continue reading “A woman must h…