At the end of January, I finished the first draft of my novel. I’ve been working on it for a few years now, so it’s an odd feeling to suddenly be done (well, as done as a first draft can be). I find myself thinking about it a lot, particularly ways I can improve it, plot lines that need to be tied up, characters who need to be better developed. I’ve made notes, and jotted down potential changes, but I’ve resisted the urge to actually open the full document because I know that only time will give me the clarity and energy I’ll need to begin revising for real.

Instead, I’ve been filling my time with lots of other things. I actually take walks during lunch instead of hovering over my laptop. I’ve written a few short stories. I’ve read books (so many books!). I joined a gym, and I actually worked out (I don’t know if you all know how much of an accomplishment this is). Basically, I’ve made time for myself as a person who isn’t working on a novel. It’s been a long time since I’ve been that person, and while I don’t want to be her forever, it’s nice to make sure she’s alive every now and then.

The Creating Process

Creating a story is like creating anything else. It takes time, some reflection, and a little bit of improvisation. Of course, like anything, your story might not exactly come out right the first time. The good thing is that it’s easier to rewrite a sentence than it is to fix a painting or remodel a… Continue reading The Creating Process

Trusting the Workshop

We tend to think of writing as a personal, internal experience. Thought to paper, right? And that idea is fine until someone actually reads your work. Then you have to think about what your writing means, its relationship to reality, what people think of it–all the stuff you would rather avoid while just continuing to write. I… Continue reading Trusting the Workshop

Relearning the Craft

I begin each new semester with a bit of trepidation about what I’m going to be learning. Last semester the daunting project was a grant proposal. The semester before that I fretted over both nonfiction and fiction workshops, which I hadn’t had any experience with before. This semester the worry is threefold. Due to some… Continue reading Relearning the Craft

May Update

I have some awesome news! Sunday, I entered a contest on a whim and I just found out today that I made the short list! If you want to read the story, click here. Feel free to comment and let me know what you think. In other news, now that I’m out of school, I’ve… Continue reading May Update

Tips on Editing

I’m not an expert on editing, despite what I like to think. However, I have done quite a bit of editing in the past few months, so I hope that I have something worthwhile to share with you guys. First things first: start out small. I’m going to tell you a story that has nothing… Continue reading Tips on Editing

Tips on Short Story Writing

Since I made my New Year’s Resolution to write more (it was actually to write everyday, but that’s not happening…), I’ve been writing a lot of short stories. It’s kind of difficult, since I tend to focus more on longer works. Next thing you know, I’ll be writing poems (just kidding)! Anyway, I’ve submitted five… Continue reading Tips on Short Story Writing