At the end of January, I finished the first draft of my novel. I’ve been working on it for a few years now, so it’s an odd feeling to suddenly be done (well, as done as a first draft can be). I find myself thinking about it a lot, particularly ways I can improve it, plot lines that need to be tied up, characters who need to be better developed. I’ve made notes, and jotted down potential changes, but I’ve resisted the urge to actually open the full document because I know that only time will give me the clarity and energy I’ll need to begin revising for real.

Instead, I’ve been filling my time with lots of other things. I actually take walks during lunch instead of hovering over my laptop. I’ve written a few short stories. I’ve read books (so many books!). I joined a gym, and I actually worked out (I don’t know if you all know how much of an accomplishment this is). Basically, I’ve made time for myself as a person who isn’t working on a novel. It’s been a long time since I’ve been that person, and while I don’t want to be her forever, it’s nice to make sure she’s alive every now and then.

Concentration in Chaos

Last Tuesday, my Panda Express fortune cookie told me, “You are a bundle of energy, always on the go.” While I was slightly upset because that’s not a fortune, it was kind of interesting to read because it is very true. I’m the kind of person who’s not happy doing nothing. I get antsy after… Continue reading Concentration in Chaos

A New Normal

It hasn’t taken long for me to settle into life in Boston. In fact, it has been surprisingly easy – I have great roommates, an amazing apartment, possibly the best job I could have hoped for, and a new place to explore. All of these things have made my transition pretty painless. In many ways,… Continue reading A New Normal

The Identity of a Writer

Identity is an important thing. It’s what defines how you act, how people see you – it’s who you are. So it’s important that, as writers, we identify ourselves as such. In fact, I think the first step in being a writer is being fully convinced that you are one.  The great thing is that… Continue reading The Identity of a Writer

Blast from the Past: A Lesson in Self Esteem

I’ve been thinking a lot about reading lately, so this post is a sort of continuation of Wednesday’s post “Reading as a Writer,” except I think it’s a little more interesting…Enjoy! Most of us hate reading our old writing, but there’s something to be said about studying it and realizing where you’ve grown. Honestly, I enjoy reading… Continue reading Blast from the Past: A Lesson in Self Esteem