Screenplays and Schedules

This semester, I feel as if I’m writing on someone else’s schedule. In the past, even when I’ve had other classwork and writing assignments, I’ve always felt like I was able to do them at my leisure, when I felt like writing. Somehow it seemed as if writing was my idea, rather than the professor’s. But especially as… Continue reading Screenplays and Schedules

Relearning the Craft

I begin each new semester with a bit of trepidation about what I’m going to be learning. Last semester the daunting project was a grant proposal. The semester before that I fretted over both nonfiction and fiction workshops, which I hadn’t had any experience with before. This semester the worry is threefold. Due to some… Continue reading Relearning the Craft

The Education of a Writer

School is an interesting thing, isn’t it? We’re expected to study something practical, because in today’s society, college is meant to secure you a job. The humanities majors don’t really fit into that box. People ask, “Do you want to teach?” as if that’s the only thing you can do with a major that isn’t… Continue reading The Education of a Writer

The Weight of Words

The position I’m in right now, which is a great one by the way, is all because of a few words one of my professors told me. Here’s his final critique for the portfolio (first ten pages of a novel) that I submitted for my creative writing class: “An excellent start to a gripping story. You’d… Continue reading The Weight of Words