The Creating Process

Creating a story is like creating anything else. It takes time, some reflection, and a little bit of improvisation. Of course, like anything, your story might not exactly come out right the first time. The good thing is that it’s easier to rewrite a sentence than it is to fix a painting or remodel a… Continue reading The Creating Process

Trusting the Workshop

We tend to think of writing as a personal, internal experience. Thought to paper, right? And that idea is fine until someone actually reads your work. Then you have to think about what your writing means, its relationship to reality, what people think of it–all the stuff you would rather avoid while just continuing to write. I… Continue reading Trusting the Workshop

Guest Post: A Challenge to Read for Fun

I wrote a guest post (my first!) about how to get back into the habit of reading for fun. You can check it out on John’s blog, Write me a Book, John! You should also spend some time reading his other posts, because they’re always enjoyable!